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Mind_over_matter: A project by the English Drama Group

Katharina Pietsch, 28. Juli 2020

Mind_over_matter is a collection of short films produced by Bielefeld University’s English Drama Group that investigate how the censoring and self-censoring of our identity and emotions affect our mental health.

Today, we’d like to point out a project by Bielefeld University’s English Drama Group called Mind_over_matter: a collection of student-produced short films that investigate how the censoring and self-censoring of our identity and emotions affect our mental health. One of the aims of the project is to destigmatise the topic of mental health, especially within the context of the university.

The English Drama Group developed and produced the films during the summer semester of 2020, where rehearsing and performing a theatre play wasn’t possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Mind_over_matter project is part of the art/science festival hosted by the Zentrum für Ästhetik at Bielefeld University.

Bielefeld University’s English Drama Group

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