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Podcast: How to teach theory

Katharina Pietsch, 18. Mai 2020

In this episode of the Unconditional Teaching Podcast, Tyll, Jessica and Katharina talk about the difficulties in facilitating students’ engagement with theory.

This is a free-form, spontaneous conversation between Tyll, Jessica and Katharina about teaching – or rather facilitating the learning of – theory.

We talk about the discrepancy we experience between the immense empowerment the ‘wielding’ of theory gives us as opposed to the way many students seem to experience theory: as something complicated, scary or even inaccessible. We not only explore the reasons for that but also talk about concrete teaching practices that can make it more likely for students to eventually experience theory as empowering.

UnTeach Podcast 02 (Download)

Specific text we mention: Hall, Stuart. “The Work of Representation.” Representation. 2nd ed., edited by Stuart Hall et al., The Open University, 2013, pp. 1–59.

Music © by Lily Olason.


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