Tag: Teaching writing
Artikel zu Unconditional Teaching im Band „40 Begriffe für eine Schreibwissenschaft“
Kürzlich ist der Band „40 Begriffe für eine Schreibwissenschaft: Konzeptuelle Perspektiven auf Praxis und Praktiken des Schreibens“, herausgegeben von Andrea Karsten und Stefanie Haacke-Werron, erschienen, zu dem wir einen Artikel beigetragen haben: „Unconditional Teaching: Eine schreibdidaktische Perspektive“.
4. September 2024 | Tags: News, Schreibenlehren, Teaching writing
Podcast: Decentering grammar and grading in academic writing instruction
In this podcast episode we talk to Sophia Brauner about academic writing as a means of communication of ideas and the effects that decentering language correctness and grading can have in the teaching of writing.
20. März 2023 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching writing, Grading
Workshop „Wissenschaftliches Schreiben lehren auf Augenhöhe“ (3.12.2021)
Tyll wird für den Tag der Lehre der CAU Kiel einen Workshop zum Thema »Wissenschaftliches Schreiben lehren auf Augenhöhe« geben.
30. November 2021 | Tags: News, Schreiben lehren, Teaching writing, Peer-Feedback, Partizipation
Podcast: Teaching a Writers’ Room
In this episode Jessica and Tyll talk to Katharina about a five-day block seminar that she taught in February 2020 entitled “Confronting the Climate Crisis: A Writers’ Room for Cultural Scholars”.
27. Oktober 2020 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Writers’ Room, Pomodoro Technique
Teaching about plagiarism (or not)
As teachers, we need to frame plagiarism as a technical problem, not a moral one. Learning how to avoid plagiarism is an integral part of learning what academic writing is about. In fact, once students understand how and why to write as scholars, plagiarism will become a non-issue.
22. Juni 2020 | 2 Kommentare | Tags: Essays, Analysis, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Plagiarism, Accountability, Positionality, Ownership
Podcast: Writing in English Studies
In this episode, we discuss Tyll’s and Katharina’s recent book publication – Writing in English Studies: A Guide for Students in English Linguistics and Literature.
15. Juni 2020 | 5 Kommentare | Tags: Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Podcasts
Magic questions to ask students about their writing
In my writing supervision I focus on process instead of results and on reflection instead of adherence to rules to help students experience more agency over their writing when they become aware of their own writing strategies.
27. November 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication
The poisonous perfectionist vs the constructive critic
Perfectionism is a fear-based attitude towards failure that inhibits learning and encourages self-sabotage. We can fight it by strengthening the inner constructive critic to focus on processes of revision and improvement.
27. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Analysis, Teaching writing, Perfectionism, Self-doubt
Relieving stress in student writing
I found that I can relieve the writing anxiety many of my students have by de-emphasising normative writing advice and facilitating an appreciative, non-evaluative awareness of their individual writing strategies.
14. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Strategies-based teaching
Congruent self- and supervisor assessment
Students often express that my responses to their writing are in consonance with their own self-assessment, which motivates them to revise their papers. The specific form of my responses facilitates this congruity, and here’s why.
7. August 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication
Tyll on Unconditional Teaching
In this entry, I draw a parallel between the mindset of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) and our concept of Unconditional Teaching.
24. Juli 2019 | Tags: Essays, Mindset, Unconditional Basic Income, Teaching writing
Appreciative responses to student writing
When I respond to student writing, I want to take it seriously as scholarly work with a communicative intent. This 6-step-method of writing responses makes my feedback as effective as possible both in terms of its usefulness for students and in terms of the time it takes me to do.
3. November 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Feedback
Revision-oriented supervision of student writing
Feedback that is given on late-stage draft versions of student writing instead of on finalized papers is more meaningful to students because they can immediately use it for a revision of their work. Especially if the feedback is an appreciative response.
27. Oktober 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing
For strategies-based teaching
Against the rhetoric of competency-based teaching, I set a rhetoric of teaching strategies which focuses on the resources that students already have rather than on their presumed deficiencies.
7. Mai 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication
Stepping stone writing tasks
Writing academic papers is an incredibly involved procedure which brings together many different skills. Often students achieve better results and more confidence about their work when the writing is scaffolded through a series of interconnected steps.
6. Mai 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing
The benefits of writing portfolios
My students and I have made positive experiences with writing portfolios. Here’s why.
1. Mai 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing