Tag: Teaching practices
Wir brauchen mehr Beziehungsreichtum in der Hochschullehre
Am 1. Dezember 2022 haben Katharina und Tyll die Keynote für den Tag des Lehrens und Lernens der CAU Kiel gehalten. Dieser Text ist das (leicht überarbeitete) Skript, das wir für den mündlichen Vortrag geschrieben haben; mit den Folien, die im Hintergrund standen.
19. Dezember 2022 | Tags: Essays, Beziehungsreichtum, Mindset, Teaching practices, Lehrpraxis
Wertschätzung als bewusste Lehrpraxis
Wenn wir es uns zur Gewohnheit machen, spezifische und persönliche Wertschätzung für Beiträge zu unseren Seminaren auszudrücken, ohne dabei autoritär-lobend zu sein, fördern wir Motivation und soziales Wohlbefinden unserer Studierenden und unserer selbst.
27. Oktober 2022 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Lehrpraxis, Mindset, Wertschätzung, Anerkennung, Ich-Botschaften, Lob ist ein Werturteil
Unconditional Teaching zwischen Machtkritik, Beziehung und Lernen
Diesen Versuch, die für Unconditional Teaching zentrale Begriffe und Konzepte ein bisschen zu systematisieren, hat Tyll für sein Seminar an der Uni Bielefeld entwickelt.
25. Oktober 2022 | Tags: Essays, Lehrphilosophie, Mindset, Prämissen, Teaching practices, Machtkritik, Beziehungsreichtum, Konstruktivismus
Team-Teaching als Lehrformat für bessere Hochschullehre
Team-Teaching ist nicht nur ein Lehrformat unter vielen, von dem Studierende und Lehrende profitieren. Team-Teaching fördert beziehungsreiches Lehren und Lernen, unterstützt die Professionalisierung von Hochschullehre und schafft kooperative Fach- und Forschungskulturen. Team-Teaching ist deswegen eine notwendige Säule von besserer Hochschulbildung.
14. Oktober 2022 | Tags: Essays, Team-Teaching, Teaching practices, Lehrpraxis, Chancengerechtigkeit, Teilhabe, Kooperation
Lehrkonzept Kurskonferenz
Ich stelle hier mein Lehrkonzept zum Format der Kurskonferenz zur Verfügung – eine Studierendenkonferenz als Seminarabschluss, in der Studierende disziplinspezifisches Denken und Forschen ausprobieren können und in dem ihre Arbeit als Mittel akademischer Kommunikation statt als Bewertungsobjekt wahr- und ernstgenommen wird.
7. Juli 2022 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Lehrkonzept, Studierendenkonferenz
Podcast: Eine Ressource sein statt eine Hürde
In dieser – diesmal deutschsprachigen – Folge des Unconditional Teaching Podcast sprechen wir über kleine, aber wirkungsvolle Lehrpraktiken, die dazu beitragen, dass Studierende uns als Ressource und nicht als Hürde wahrnehmen.
7. Oktober 2021 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Kollaborative Lehre, Vulnerability, Lehr-Lern-Beziehung
Podcast: Learning is social
In this episode we talk to Sophie Gigl and Benjamin Stuhr, who are students at Bielefeld university, about how online teaching has made meaningful learning much harder for them and what this tells us about teaching and learning in general.
8. August 2021 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Analysis, Online teaching, Distance teaching, Distance learning, Asynchronous teaching
We choose which version of our students we invite into our classroom
In this article I explore what we as teachers can do in order to invite the best version of our students into our classroom, taking my cue from Solution Focused coaches, who are experts in inviting a version of their clients into the session that wants to make their life better and has the resources to do so.
18. Juli 2021 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Student-teacher relationship, Solution Focused Practice
Podcast: The Empathetic Online Classroom
In this episode Tyll talks about a five-day block seminar that he taught in July 2020 entitled “Owning Your Position: Critical Argumentation Skills for Scholars of Culture” in which he and the students created a very supportive, empathetic classroom atmosphere.
11. Februar 2021 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Argumentation skills, Vulnerability, Student-teacher relationship, Social contract, Online teaching
Podcast: Teaching a Writers’ Room
In this episode Jessica and Tyll talk to Katharina about a five-day block seminar that she taught in February 2020 entitled “Confronting the Climate Crisis: A Writers’ Room for Cultural Scholars”.
27. Oktober 2020 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Writers’ Room, Pomodoro Technique
Good Girl = Good Teacher?
Kindness and the tendency to accommodate others can help to foster relationships in education. However, when “Good Girls” grow up to be teachers, their uncompromising yearning for other people’s affections may have problematic consequences.
13. Oktober 2020 | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Teaching practices
Teaching about plagiarism (or not)
As teachers, we need to frame plagiarism as a technical problem, not a moral one. Learning how to avoid plagiarism is an integral part of learning what academic writing is about. In fact, once students understand how and why to write as scholars, plagiarism will become a non-issue.
22. Juni 2020 | 2 Kommentare | Tags: Essays, Analysis, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Plagiarism, Accountability, Positionality, Ownership
Podcast: Writing in English Studies
In this episode, we discuss Tyll’s and Katharina’s recent book publication – Writing in English Studies: A Guide for Students in English Linguistics and Literature.
15. Juni 2020 | 5 Kommentare | Tags: Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Podcasts
Podcast: How to teach theory
In this episode of the Unconditional Teaching Podcast, Tyll, Jessica and Katharina talk about the difficulties in facilitating students’ engagement with theory.
18. Mai 2020 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Teaching theory
Learning with the freedom to make mistakes
In higher education, mistakes are seen as something that needs to be punished. This article argues that ‘making mistakes’ is a vital part of learning and that learning needs the freedom to make mistakes to be healthy.
3. März 2020 | Tags: Essays, Analysis, Teaching practices, Making mistakes, Healthy learning, High-stakes learning, Grades
Downscaling course prep tasks
When students don’t do my prep assignments, I teach them how to ‘downscale’ homework instead of not doing it at all. This leads to homework being done more consistently as it empowers students to consciously manage their resources and priorities.
14. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Communication, Time management
Relieving stress in student writing
I found that I can relieve the writing anxiety many of my students have by de-emphasising normative writing advice and facilitating an appreciative, non-evaluative awareness of their individual writing strategies.
14. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Teaching writing, Strategies-based teaching
No apologies necessary
In my experience as a teacher, students apologize far too much. I think that is troubling, so I try to reframe their ‘failure’ to meet some formal expectation or other as a chance to take control of their own learning.
14. Oktober 2019 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Essays, Teaching practices, Communication